Philosophical Devices (Paperback)
作者: David Papineau 
分類: Philosophy  
書城編號: 333323

售價: $273.00

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出版社: Oxford University Press
出版日期: 2012/11/25
尺寸: 203x137x19mm
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9780199651733
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This book is designed to explain the technical ideas that are taken for granted in much contemporary philosophical writing. Notions like "denumerability," "modal scope distinction," "Bayesian conditionalization," and "logical completeness" are usually only elucidated deep within difficult specialist texts. By offering simple explanations that by-pass much irrelevant and boring detail, Philosophical Devices is able to cover a wealth of material that is normally only available to specialists.

The book contains four sections, each of three chapters. The first section is about sets and numbers, starting with the membership relation and ending with the generalized continuum hypothesis. The second is about analyticity, a prioricity, and necessity. The third is about probability, outlining the difference between objective and subjective probability and exploring aspects of conditionalization and correlation. The fourth deals with metalogic, focusing on the contrast between syntax and semantics, and finishing with a sketch of Godel's theorem.

Philosophical Devices will be useful for university students who have got past the foothills of philosophy and are starting to read more widely, but it does not assume any prior expertise. All the issues discussed are intrinsically interesting, and often downright fascinating. It can be read with pleasure and profit by anybody who is curious about the technical infrastructure of contemporary philosophy.

David Papineau 作者作品表

Knowing the Score: How Sport teaches us about Philosophy (and Philosophy about Sport) (Paperback)

eBook: Metaphysics of Sensory Experience (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Metaphysics of Sensory Experience (DRM PDF)

Knowing the Score (Hardcover)

eBook: Knowing the Score: How Sport teaches us about Philosophy (and Philosophy about Sport) (DRM EPUB)

Philosophical Devices (Paperback)

eBook: Philosophical Devices: Proofs, Probabilities, Possibilities, and Sets (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Philosophical Devices: Proofs, Probabilities, Possibilities, and Sets (DRM PDF)

Introducing Consciousness (Paperback)

Philosophy (Revised) (Paperback)

eBook: Roots of Reason: Philosophical Essays on Rationality, Evolution, and Probability (DRM PDF)

Thinking About Consciousness (Paperback)

eBook: Thinking about Consciousness (DRM PDF)

Philosophy of Science (Paperback)

eBook: For Science in the Social Sciences (DRM PDF)

eBook: For Science in the Social Sciences (DRM PDF)

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