Unexpected Indiana: A Portfolio of Natural Landscapes (Hardcover)
作者: Christopher Jordan 
分類: Photographs: collections ,
書城編號: 342154

原價: HK$350.00
現售: HK$332.5 節省: HK$17.5

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出版日期: 2004/08/19
尺寸: 290x274x25mm
重量: 1.38 kg
ISBN: 9780253344854


"Christopher Jordan and Ron Leonetti have done a remarkable job of depicting the amazing natural beauty of Indiana. Their stunningly beautiful photographs capture the true essence of the natural world of the state. Take a close look at their images and allow yourself to be drawn into the beauty that is found in every corner of Indiana. Expect the unexpected. Delight in the truth." --from the Introduction by Mary McConnell, Indiana Nature Conservancy

Unexpected Indiana reveals the beauty and power of the natural world in Indiana. Ron Leonetti and Christopher Jordan have covered the entire state, photographing the parks and preserves in all four seasons. From the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore in the north to the cypress sloughs in the south, the full breadth of Indiana's diversity is represented, revealing a hidden splendor. Nothing manmade intrudes upon these striking photos, which range from close-ups to sweeping landscapes of forests, rivers, prairies, dunes, and swamps.

Unexpected Indiana represents a unique collaboration between two photographers. Jordan and Leonetti share a deep love of nature and a fascination with the hidden gems that can be found within the state. Working in traditional medium and large film formats, the photographers have produced a spectacular body of work that captures the essence of Indiana's natural beauty.

Christopher Jordan 作者作品表

Steampunk Elves Coloring Book (Paperback)

Unexpected Indiana: A Portfolio of Natural Landscapes (Hardcover)

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