A Little History of the World (hardcover)
作者: E. H. Gombrich 
分類: Reference works ,
General & world history  
書城編號: 348058

原價: HK$250.00
現售: HK$237.5 節省: HK$12.5

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出版社: Yale University Press
出版日期: 2005/10/01
尺寸: 218x148x30mm
重量: 0.49 kg
ISBN: 9780300108835
>> 相關電子書

The international bestseller: E. H. Gombrich's sweeping history of the world, for the curious of all ages

"All stories begin with 'Once upon a time.' And that's just what this story is all about: what happened, once upon a time." So begins A Little History of the World, an engaging and lively book written for readers both young and old. Rather than focusing on dry facts and dates, E. H. Gombrich vividly brings the full span of human experience on Earth to life, from the stone age to the atomic age. He paints a colorful picture of wars and conquests; of grand works of art; of the advances and limitations of science; of remarkable people and remarkable events, from Confucius to Catherine the Great to Winston Churchill, and from the invention of art to the destruction of the Berlin Wall.

For adults seeking a single-volume overview of world history, for students in search of a quick refresher course, or for families to read and learn from together, Gombrich's Little History enchants and educates.

E. H. Gombrich 作者作品表

eBook: E.H.Gombrich on Fresco Painting (DRM EPUB)

E.H.Gombrich on Fresco Painting (Hardcover)

ESP La Historia del Arte Ed Lujo (the Story of Art Luxury Edition Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)

eBook: Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation - Millennium Edition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation - Millennium Edition (DRM PDF)

A Little History of the World (paperback)

The Story of Art: Pocket Edition

A Little History of the World (hardcover)

Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation (The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts) (Paperback)

The Story of Art - 16th Edition (paperback)

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