Arctic Governance: Volume 3: Norway, Russia and Asia (Paperback)
作者: Geir Hønneland 
書城編號: 3488215

售價: $430.00

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出版社: I B Tauris
出版日期: 2021/05/06
重量: 0.49 kg
ISBN: 9780755636518
>> 相關電子書


The Polar North is known to be home to large gas and oil reserves and its position holds significant trading and military advantages, yet the maritime boundaries of the region remain ill-defined. In the twenty-first century the Arctic is undergoing profound change. As the sea ice melts, a result of accelerating climate change, global governance has become vital.
In this, the third of three volumes, the latest research and analysis from the world's leading Arctic research body - the Fridtjof Nansen Institute - is brought together for the first time. Arctic Governance: Norway, Russia and Asia investigates the foreign policy discourses of Arctic governance, specifically as regarding international relations and competing interests between Norway, Russia and various Asian states.

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