Legacy: How French Canadians Shaped North America (Paperback)
作者: Andre Pratte 
書城編號: 3545495

原價: HK$160.00
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出版社: Signal Books Ltd
出版日期: 2019/08/20
重量: 0.43 kg
ISBN: 9780771072406

A ground-breaking work of nation building, this unique biographical book by many of English and French Canada's best-known writers and thinkers -- Margaret Atwood, Lucien Bouchard, Dr. Samantha Nutt, Ken Dryden, etc. -- tells the story of the extraordinary legacy of the French contribution to our very way of life.

In 1913, schoolgirls found a heavy metal plaque peeking out of the soil in St-Pierre, South Dakota. On it they saw engraved characters and signs they could not decipher. They took the plaque back home, and somehow, it found its way into the hands of a local historian who immediately realized the importance of the artifact.
One hundred and seventy years earlier, French-Canadian explorer Pierre Gaultier de la V

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