Doing Creative Writing (Paperback)
作者: Steve May 
分類: Creative writing & creative writing guides ,
Literature & literary studies  
書城編號: 364486

售價: $280.00

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出版社: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2007/10/04
尺寸: 192x130x10mm
重量: 0.17 kg
ISBN: 9780415402392
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Are you beginning a creative writing course? Or thinking about taking one?

Doing Creative Writing is the ideal guide to what you should expect, what will be expected of you and how you can get the most from your course.

It clearly and concisely outlines:

  • the contexts for creative writing courses, explaining where the subject has come from and why that matters
  • the content, structure and delivery of the courses, helping you to understand how your course will be shaped, what you will be asked to do and why
  • the skills you will develop, from self-discipline and time management through to the organization of ideas, 'reading as a writer' and editing
  • possibilities beyond the course, showing how you continue to benefit from what you've learned.

Drawing on years of teaching and writing experience, as well as interviews with a wide range of students, Steve May provides all the background, advice and encouragement you need to embark on a creative writing course with complete confidence and to get maximum benefit from every writing session.

Steve May 作者作品表

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eBook: Doing Creative Writing (DRM PDF)

Doing Creative Writing (Paperback)

eBook: Doing Creative Writing (DRM PDF)

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