Law: The Basics
作者: Gary Slapper 
分類: Jurisprudence & general issues  
書城編號: 366753

售價: $280.00

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出版社: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2011/06/09
尺寸: 198x132x24mm
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9780415568067


Law: The Basics is an engaging introduction to one of the most complex areas of modern life. The book introduces both the main components of the legal system – including judges, juries and law-makers - and key areas of law – contract, civil negligence, and criminal law – to provide the uninitiated with an ideal introduction to law. Key questions to be considered include:
How are laws made? How do judges decide cases? What is the exact role of the EU in the legal system? What are your rights and duties under contract law? What is a crime and what are criminal defences?

Throughout the book, a wide range of contemporary cases are examined to relate key legal concepts to familiar examples and real world situations.


List of Abbreviations Preface 1. Types of Law 2. How Laws are Made 3. Making Sense of Legislation 4. How Judges Decide Cases 5. European Law 6. Human Rights 7. The Jury 8. Criminal Law 9. Contract Law. Glossary of Terms. Bibliography

Author Bio

Gary Slapper is Professor of Law, and Director of the Law School, at The Open University. He is a door tenant at 36 Bedford Row and a legal columnist for The Times. David Kelly was formerly Principal Lecturer in Law at the Staffordshire University Law School. They have written several books together including the Routledge textbooks The English Legal System, English Law, and Questions and Answers on the English Legal System.

Gary Slapper 作者作品表

eBook: Blood in the Bank: Social and Legal Aspects of Death at Work (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Blood in the Bank: Social and Legal Aspects of Death at Work (DRM PDF)

eBook: Organisational Prosecutions (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Organisational Prosecutions (DRM PDF)

English Legal System (Paperback)

English Legal System (Paperback)

eBook: How the Law Works (DRM PDF)

eBook: How the Law Works (DRM EPUB)

How the Law Works (Paperback)

English Legal System (Paperback)

English Legal System (Paperback)

Further Weird Cases: Comic and Bizarre Cases from Courtrooms around the World (UK ed.) (Hardcover)

How the Law Works (Paperback)

Q&A English Legal System (Paperback)

The English Legal System: 2012-2013, 13th Edition

More Weird Cases: Comic and Bizarre Cases from Courtrooms around the World (UK ed.) (Hardback)

Law: The Basics

Q&A English Legal System 2011-2012: 9th Edition

How the Law Works (Paperback)

Weird Cases: Comic and Bizarre Cases from Courtrooms around the World (Hardcover)

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