The Mystery Chronicles: More Real-Life X-Files (Hardcover)
作者: Joe Nickell 
分類: Hoaxes & deceptions ,
Unexplained phenomena / the paranormal  
書城編號: 3680299

售價: $252.00

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出版社: Univ Pr Of Kentucky
出版日期: 2004/04/23
重量: 0.76 kg
ISBN: 9780813123189
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With a foreword by James Randi Paranormal investigator Joe Nickell has spent more than thirty years solving the world's most perplexing mysteries. This new casebook reveals the secrets of the Winchester Mystery House, the giant Nazca drawings of Peru, the Shroud of Turin, the "Mothman" enigma, the Amityville Horror house, the vicious goatsucking El Chupacabras, and numerous other "unexplainable" paranormal phenomena. Nickell has traveled far and wide to solve cases, which include a weeping icon in Russia, the elusive Bigfoot-like "yowie" in Australia, the reputed power of a headless saint in Spain, and an "alien hybrid" in Germany. He has gone undercover -- often in disguise -- to reveal the tricks of those who pretend to talk to the dead, accompanied a Cajun guide into a Louisiana swamp in search of a fabled monster, and gained an audience with a voodoo queen. Superstar psychic medium John Edward, pet psychic Sonya Fitzpatrick, evangelist and healer Benny Hinn, and many other well-known figures have found themselves under Nickell's careful scrutiny. The Mystery Chronicles examines more than three dozen intriguing mysteries. Nickell uses a hands-on approach and the scientific method to steer between the extremes of mystery mongering and debunking. His investigative skills have won him both acclaim and controversy during his long career as one of the world's foremost paranormal investigators.

Joe Nickell 作者作品表

The Science of Monsters: Tracking the Real-Life Creatures (Paperback)

eBook: Science of Ghosts: Searching for Spirits of the Dead (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Camera Clues: A Handbook for Photographic Investigation (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Camera Clues: A Handbook for Photographic Investigation (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Camera Clues: A Handbook for Photographic Investigation (DRM PDF)

eBook: Mystery Chronicles: More Real-Life X-Files (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Mystery Chronicles: More Real-Life X-Files (DRM PDF)

eBook: Unsolved History: Investigating Mysteries of the Past (DRM PDF)

eBook: Unsolved History: Investigating Mysteries of the Past (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Real or Fake: Studies in Authentication (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Real or Fake: Studies in Authentication (DRM PDF)

eBook: Real or Fake: Studies in Authentication (DRM EPUB)

The Jesus Relics: From the Holy Grail to the Turin Shroud (Hardcover)

eBook: Relics of the Christ (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Relics of the Christ (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Relics of the Christ (DRM PDF)

eBook: Secrets of the Sideshows (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Secrets of the Sideshows (DRM PDF)

eBook: Secrets of the Sideshows (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Unsolved History: Investigating Mysteries of the Past (DRM EPUB)

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