C mo deben comportarse los cristianos en una sociedad cada vez m s secular? Jes s respondi a esta pregunta preocupante en la v spera de su muerte con algunas de las ense anzas m s conmovedoras y poderosas de todo su ministerio. Durante esas horas, ense a sus ap stoles a c mo sobrevivir en un mundo de incr dulos. El respetado pastor, maestro y autor John MacArthur, explora las profundidades de las ltimas palabras de aliento de Jes s, basadas en Juan 13-16.
How should Christians conduct themselves in an increasingly secular society?
Jesus answered this troubling question on the eve of His death with some of the most poignant, powerful teachings of His entire ministry. During those hours He taught His apostles how to survive in a world of unbelievers. Respected pastor, teacher and author John MacArthur, plumbs the depths of Jesus' final words of encouragement to us, based on John 13-16.