Lost Tombs of Thebes: Life in Paradise (Hardcover)
作者: Zahi Hawass 
分類: Egyptian archaeology / Egyptology ,
Ancient Egypt  
書城編號: 378875

原價: HK$800.00
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出版社: Thames & Hudson
出版日期: 2009/11/01
尺寸: 352x271x32mm
重量: 2.49 kg
ISBN: 9780500051597


Written by world-renowned Egyptologist Zahi Hawass and illustrated with spectacular new photographs by Sandro Vannini, this new book gives an unprecedented access to these largely inaccessible tombs. It reveals some of the most exquisite examples of Egyptian art to be found anywhere in the land of the Nile, reflecting the aristocratic status of the tombs' owners.

At the heart of the book, three major chapters examine the glorious paintings and exquisitely sculpted reliefs that depict daily life on earth and life in paradise. Other chapters place the tomb owners in their historical context, explore the architecture and construction of the tombs, display the lavish burial equipment, and discuss the vital ongoing work of restoration and conservation. A reference section includes maps, plans, and a checklist of tombs.
Zahi Hawass 作者作品表

eBook: Mountains of the Pharaohs: The Untold Story of the Pyramid Builders (DRM PDF)

eBook: Mountains of the Pharaohs: The Untold Story of the Pyramid Builders (DRM EPUB)

Mountains of the Pharaohs: The Untold Story of the Pyramid Builders (Paperback)

Great Book of Ancient Egypt New Edition (Hardcover)

Tutankhamun (Paperback)

Giza and the Pyramids (Hardcover)

Scanning the Pharaohs (Hardcover)

Cleopatra (Paperback)

Beyond the Horizon (Paperback)

Lost Tombs of Thebes: Life in Paradise (Hardcover)

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