Greek Art (Paperback)

新版 已出版

作者: John Boardman 
書城編號: 378948

原價: HK$159.00
現售: HK$151.05 節省: HK$7.95

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出版社: Thames & Hudson
出版日期: 1996/11/04
尺寸: 211x152x27mm
重量: 654 grams
ISBN: 9780500202920

John Boardman 作者作品表

eBook: John Boardman on The Parthenon (DRM EPUB)

John Boardman on the Parthenon (Hardcover)

eBook: Diffusion of Classical Art in Antiquity (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Diffusion of Classical Art in Antiquity (DRM PDF)

eBook: Classical Archaeologist's Life: The Story so Far: An Autobiography (DRM PDF)

eBook: Alexander the Great: From His Death to the Present Day (DRM PDF)

eBook: Alexander the Great: From His Death to the Present Day (DRM EPUB)

Greek Art (Paperback)

eBook: Greek Art (DRM EPUB)

On the Fascination of Objects (Hardcover)

Greeks in Asia (Hardcover)

Periglacial Processes and Landforms in Britain and Ireland (Paperback)

Oxford History of Greece and the Hellenistic World (Paperback)

Oxford History of the Roman World (Paperback)

Oxford Illustrated History of Greece and the Hellenistic Wor (Paperback)

Oxford Illustrated History of the Roman World (Paperback)

Great God Pan

Greek Art (Paperback)

Greek Sculpture (Paperback)

Pre-Classical (B-Trade Pbk)

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