Cambridge Companion to American Poetry Since 1945 (Paperback)
作者: Jennifer Ashton 
書城編號: 382535

售價: $300.00

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出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版日期: 2012/11/30
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9780521147958

The extent to which American poetry reinvented itself after World War II is a testament to the changing social, political, and economic landscape of twentieth-century American life. Registering an important shift in the way scholars contextualize modern and contemporary American literature, this Companion explores how American poetry has documented and, at times, helped propel the literary and cultural revolutions of the past sixty-five years. Offering authoritative and accessible essays from fourteen distinguished scholars, the Companion sheds new light on the Beat, Black Arts, and other movements while examining institutions that govern poetic practice in the United States today. The text also introduces seminal figures like Sylvia Plath, John Ashbery, and Gwendolyn Brooks while situating them alongside phenomena such as the "academic poet" and popular forms such as spoken word and rap, revealing the breadth of their shared history. Students, scholars, and readers will find this Companion an indispensable guide to post-war and late twentieth-century American poetry.
Jennifer Ashton 作者作品表

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