Dowland: Lachrimae (1604) (Paperback)
作者: Peter Holman 
分類: Individual composers & musicians, specific bands & groups  
書城編號: 385439

售價: $364.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版日期: 1999/10/28
尺寸: 212x138x12mm
重量: 181 grams
ISBN: 9780521588294

Dowland's famous Lachrimae (1604) is the earliest collection of instrumental music generally known to nonspecialists, yet it has never been studied in detail before. Among other things, this comprehensive guide investigates its publication history, its place in the development of Renaissance dance music, the significance of its writing for particular stringed instruments, and the possible connections between the famous cycle of "Lachrimae" pavans and Elizabethan conceptions of melancholy.
Peter Holman 作者作品表

eBook: Before the Baton: Musical Direction and Conducting in Stuart and Georgian Britain (DRM PDF)

Before the Baton: Musical Direction and Conducting in Stuart and Georgian Britain (Hardcover)

eBook: Music in the British Provinces, 1690-1914 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Music in the British Provinces, 1690-1914 (DRM PDF)

Life After Death: the Viola Da Gamba in Britain from Purcell (Paperback)

Life After Death: The Viola Da Gamba in Britain from Purcell to Dolmetsch (Hardcover)

eBook: Life After Death: The Viola da Gamba in Britain from Purcell to Dolmetsch (DRM PDF)

100 Questions and Answers About Lymphoma (Paperback)

Dowland: Lachrimae (1604) (Paperback)

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