Elgar: Enigma Variations (Paperback)
作者: Julian Rushton 
分類: Individual composers & musicians, specific bands & groups ,
United Kingdom, Great Britain  
書城編號: 385925

售價: $378.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版日期: 1999/02/28
尺寸: 214x140x12mm
重量: 200 grams
ISBN: 9780521636377

Elgar's Variations for Orchestra, commonly known as the 'Enigma' Variations, marked an epoch both in his career, and in the renaissance of English music at the turn of the century. The first extended study of the work, this Cambridge Music Handbook contains historical information concerning the conception and writing of the work, an extended musical discussion requiring only a little technical knowledge of music, and a fascinating survey of the "solutions" to the mystery implied by the title of Elgar's most famous work.
Julian Rushton 作者作品表

eBook: Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique (DRM PDF)

eBook: Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique (DRM EPUB)

Flos campi (Study score) (Sheet music)

Bucolic Suite (Study score) (Sheet music)

Flos campi (Viola part) (Sheet music)

Serenade in A minor (1898) (Study score) (Sheet music)

Cambridge Berlioz Encyclopedia (Hardcover)

eBook: Europe, Empire, and Spectacle in Nineteenth-Century British Music (DRM PDF)

eBook: Europe, Empire, and Spectacle in Nineteenth-Century British Music (DRM EPUB)

Flos campi (Vocal score) (Sheet music)

Mozart (Paperback)

eBook: Mozart (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Mozart (DRM PDF)

Mozart: An Extraordinary Life

Elgar: Enigma Variations (Paperback)

Berlioz: Romeo et Juliette (Hardcover)

Ernelinde: TragUdie lyrique (1767) (Hardcover)

W. A. Mozart: Idomeneo (Paperback)

Atys: TragUdie lyrique (1780) (Hardcover)

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