At My Mother's Knee ... (Paperback)
作者: Paul OGrady 
分類: Individual actors & performers ,
Television ,
Autobiography: arts & entertainment ,
Gay studies (Gay men) ,
Family & relationships ,
書城編號: 391450

原價: HK$154.00
現售: HK$146.3 節省: HK$7.7

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出版日期: 2009/06/04
尺寸: 199x128x32mm
重量: 348 grams
ISBN: 9780553819489
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In his own uniquely acid tongue, Paul O'Grady traces the hilarious tales of life in Irish Catholic Birkenhead that took him from a virtuous altar-boy ("my first drag") to Britain's best loved entertainer. It's a life that includes, varyingly, stints in an abbatoir, as a social worker, in a high-class Mayfair brothel, and traipsing down to London to chase his dreams. By 23, Paul O'Grady had been a father, husband, drag queen, gay lover, divorcee, and degenerate. He did it all with a smile on his face, making a mental note to register the whip-smart one-liners that would later inform his star-studded path from the fringes of comedy to the heart of the British establishment, first as his own brilliant comic creation Lily Savage, then, triumphantly, as himself. Paul's remarkable childhood and early life is littered with a dizzying cast-list of rogues, rascals, lovers, fighters, saints, and sinners. Oh, and one iconic bus conductress. Told with pathos, love, empathy, and naturally, biting humor, the story of Paul O'Grady is that of everyman, everywoman, and inevitably, every drag act ever. He has been rich and poor, posh and common, straight and gay. He has mixed with stars and whores and all that's in between, slyly spotting the similarity between them all. His amazing and riveting life story reminds us that there is, when all is said and done, a bit of savage in all of us.
Paul OGrady 作者作品表

Paul O'Grady's Country Life (Hardcover)

Still Standing (Paperback)

At My Mother's Knee ... (Paperback)

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