Collective Animal Behavior (Paperback)
作者: David Sumpter 
分類: Animal behaviour  
書城編號: 404226

售價: $630.00

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出版社: University Press Group Ltd
出版日期: 2010/09/27
尺寸: 234x157x22mm
重量: 528 grams
ISBN: 9780691148434
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How and why animals produce group behaviors

Fish travel in schools, birds migrate in flocks, honeybees swarm, and ants build trails. How and why do these collective behaviors occur? Exploring how coordinated group patterns emerge from individual interactions, Collective Animal Behavior reveals why animals produce group behaviors and examines their evolution across a range of species.

Providing a synthesis of mathematical modeling, theoretical biology, and experimental work, David Sumpter investigates how animals move and arrive together, how they transfer information, how they make decisions and synchronize their activities, and how they build collective structures. Sumpter constructs a unified appreciation of how different group-living species coordinate their behaviors and why natural selection has produced these groups. For the first time, the book combines traditional approaches to behavioral ecology with ideas about self-organization and complex systems from physics and mathematics. Sumpter offers a guide for working with key models in this area along with case studies of their application, and he shows how ideas about animal behavior can be applied to understanding human social behavior.

Containing a wealth of accessible examples as well as qualitative and quantitative features, Collective Animal Behavior will interest behavioral ecologists and all scientists studying complex systems.

David Sumpter 作者作品表

Four Ways of Thinking: A Journey Into Human Complexity (Paperback)

eBook: Four Ways of Thinking: A Journey into Human Complexity (DRM EPUB)

Four Ways of Thinking: A Journey Into Human Complexity (Hardcover)

Four Ways of Thinking: Statistical, Interactive, Chaotic and Complex

eBook: Four Ways of Thinking: Statistical, Interactive, Chaotic and Complex (DRM EPUB)

Four Ways of Thinking: Statistical, Interactive, Chaotic and Complex (Paperback)

Four Ways of Thinking: A Journey into Human Complexity (Hardcover)

The Ten Equations that Rule the World: And How You Can Use Them Too (Paperback)

eBook: Ten Equations That Rule the World: And How You Can Use Them Too (DRM EPUB)

The Ten Equations that Rule the World (Paperback)

The Ten Equations that Rule the World: And How You Can Use Them Too (Hardback)

eBook: Ten Equations that Rule the World: And How You Can Use Them Too (DRM EPUB)

Outnumbered (Hardcover)

Outnumbered (Hardcover)

Soccermatics (Paperback)

Soccermatics (Hardcover)

Soccermatics (Paperback)

Collective Animal Behavior (Paperback)

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