Did Not Finish (Hardcover)
作者: Simon Wood 
書城編號: 411597

原價: HK$330.00
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出版社: Severn House Large Print
出版日期: 2012/09/28
尺寸: 223x147x27mm
重量: 0.48 kg
ISBN: 9780727899248


The first book in the Aidy Westlake mystery series set in the high-octane world of motor racing - When Derek Deacon threatens to kill Alex Fanning, his championship rival, rookie driver Aidy Westlake doesn't put much stock in it - it's typical of the intense competitiveness and aggression in their world. But when Fanning dies after making contact with Deacon's car during a race, a conspiracy ensues: the TV coverage is edited and the police wind up the investigation without interviewing witnesses. Compelled to prove Deacon is the murderer, Aidy pushes for the truth and is drawn into a world of fraud, organized crime and murder.

Simon Wood 作者作品表

World's Greatest Sneaker Collectors (Hardcover)

eBook: How to Pass Higher History, Second Edition (DRM EPUB)

National 4 & 5 History: Migration and Empire 1830-1939: Seco (Paperback)

New Higher History: The Cold War, 1945-1989 (Paperback)

At Home with Simon Wood (Hardcover)

Core Statistics (Paperback)

Did Not Finish (Hardcover)

Hot Seat (Hardcover)

Did Not Finish (Hardcover)

Christian Criticisms, Islamic Proofs (Paperback)

New Higher History: Migration and Empire 1830-1939 (Paperback)

Did Not Finish

eBook: Working Stiffs (DRM EPUB)

Birds of Essex (Hardcover)

eBook: Short Sharp Shocks (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Crestfallen (DRM EPUB)

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