Did St. Paul Get Jesus Right? (Paperback)
作者: David Wenham 
書城編號: 414962

售價: $120.00

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出版日期: 2010/08/20
尺寸: 198x132x24mm
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9780745962481
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Was St Paul a distorter of Jesus' original message, or a faithful follower? Over recent years some critics of Christianity have claimed that while Jesus was a gifted teacher and a man of unparalleled kindness, St Paul was the true founder of Christianity, which he based on a delusional mistake: the idea that Jesus was God. This theory has found its way into academia, churches, newspapers, and, most recently, novels. In Did St Paul Get Jesus Right? respected New Testament scholar David Wenham looks at the historical evidence for such claims. Comparing the life and message of Jesus with the writings of St Paul, he offers a thoughtful exploration of their relationship, concluding that far from imagining Christianity, Paul was the messenger of an inherited faith.
David Wenham 作者作品表

eBook: Jesus in Context: Making Sense of the Historical Figure (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Jesus in Context: Making Sense of the Historical Figure (DRM PDF)

The Earliest Perceptions of Jesus in Context: Essays in Honor of John Nolland (Hardcover)

eBook: Did St Paul Get Jesus Right? (DRM EPUB)

Did St. Paul Get Jesus Right? (Paperback)

Paul and Jesus: The True Story (Paperback)

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