Baby's Little Bible (New ed) (Hardcover)
作者: Sarah Toulmin 
分類: Bibles & bible stories (Children's / Teenage) ,
For children c 0-2 years  
書城編號: 414974

原價: HK$112.00
現售: HK$106.4 節省: HK$5.6

購買此書 10本或以上 9折, 60本或以上 8折

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版日期: 2011/01/21
尺寸: 178x144x24mm
重量: 413 grams
ISBN: 9780745962726

The Baby Bible was first published in 2006, written by new mum Sarah Toulmin as a way of sharing the stories she so loved with her own little ones. Her ultra simple retellings of 20 favourite stories, from creation to the resurrection, are filled with a sense of wonder, expressing God's love for creation. Combining with Kristina Stephenson's heartwarming illustrations, this delightful little Bible offers lots to look at and point to on the page, to create the perfect focus for parent and child when sharing this delightful book together. The Baby Bible is now available in a small format gift edition with a pink padded cover; a perfect starter Bible to share with a much-loved child.
Sarah Toulmin 作者作品表

Baby's Little Bible (2 ed) (Hardcover)

Pequeña Biblia Para Bebés (Baby's Little Bible) (Hardcover)

Baby's Little Bible and Prayers (Hardcover)

Baby's Little Bible (New ed) (Hardcover)

Baby's Little Bible (New ed) (Hardcover)

Baby's Tiny Bible and Prayers (Paperback)



Baby Girl Bible (Hardcover)

Baby Bible (New ed) (Hardcover)

Baby Boy Bible (Hardcover)

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