Journalists in Film (Paperback)
作者: Brian McNair 
分類: Films, cinema ,
Media studies ,
Press & journalism  
書城編號: 417975

原價: HK$392.00
現售: HK$372.4 節省: HK$19.6

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出版日期: 2010/01/31
尺寸: 236x159x17mm
重量: 419 grams
ISBN: 9780748634477

We both love and hate our journalists. They are perceived as sexy and glamorous on the one hand, despicable and sleazy on the other. Opinion polls regularly indicate that we experience a kind of cultural schizophrenia in our relationship to journalists and the news media: sometimes they are viewed as heroes, at other times villains. From Watergate to the fabrication scandals of the 2000s, journalists have risen and fallen in public esteem.In this book, leading journalism studies scholar Brian McNair explores how journalists have been represented through the prism of one of our key cultural forms, cinema. Drawing on the history of cinema since the 1930s, and with a focus on the period 1997-2008, McNair explores how journalists have been portrayed in film, and what these images tell us about the role of the journalist in liberal democratic societies. Separate chapters are devoted to the subject of female journalists in film, foreign correspondents, investigative reporters and other categories of news maker who have featured regularly in cinema. The book also discusses the representation of public relations professionals in film.Illustrated throughout and written in an accessible and lively style suitable for academic and lay readers alike, Journalists in Film will be essential reading for students and teachers of journalism, and for all those concerned about the role of the journalist in contemporary society, not least journalists themselves. An appendix contains mini-essays on every film about journalism released in the cinema between 1997 and 2008.
Brian McNair 作者作品表

eBook: Images of the Enemy: Reporting the New Cold War (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Images of the Enemy: Reporting the New Cold War (DRM PDF)

eBook: Fake News: Falsehood, Fabrication and Fantasy in Journalism (DRM PDF)

eBook: Fake News: Falsehood, Fabrication and Fantasy in Journalism (DRM EPUB)

Fake News (Hardcover)

eBook: Introduction to Political Communication (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Introduction to Political Communication (DRM PDF)

Introduction to Political Communication (Paperback)

eBook: Porno? Chic!: how pornography changed the world and made it a better place (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Porno? Chic!: how pornography changed the world and made it a better place (DRM PDF)

eBook: Journalism and Democracy: An Evaluation of the Political Public Sphere (DRM PDF)

eBook: Journalism and Democracy: An Evaluation of the Political Public Sphere (DRM EPUB)

Porno? Chic!: how pornography changed the world and made it a better place (Hardcover)

Porno? Chic!: how pornography changed the world and made it a better place

An Introduction to Political Communication: 5th Edition

Journalists in Film (Paperback)

News and Journalism in the UK (5 ed) (Hardcover)

eBook: News and Journalism in the UK (DRM PDF)

eBook: News and Journalism in the UK (DRM EPUB)

eBook: News and Journalism in the UK (DRM PDF)

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