Ancient Trees, Living Landscapes (Paperback)
作者: Richard Muir 
分類: Forestry & silviculture: practice & techniques ,
Landscape gardening ,
Trees, wildflowers & plants ,
United Kingdom, Great Britain  
書城編號: 425382

原價: HK$440.00
現售: HK$418 節省: HK$22

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出版社: The History Press
出版日期: 2006/10/01
尺寸: 251x175x19mm
重量: 0.67 kg
ISBN: 9780752439266


Over the last 25 years, archaeologists and historians have been increasingly aware of the importance of woodland in the developing British landscape. No one has devoted more research to this subject then Richard Muir. In this magisterial study, matched by numerous informative and evocative illustrations, the author begins by disposing of the myth that in prehistoric times Britain was swathed in a virtually impenetrable wildwood. In fact, from the earliest times woodland has been manipulated and transformed. The author looks at landmark trees, then examines ancient trees and hedgerows before charting the early development of trees in the park, and then later parkland and forestry.

Richard Muir 作者作品表

How To Read A Village (Paperback)

Lost Villages of Britain (Hardcover)

Woods, Hedgerows and Leafy Lanes (Paperback)


Be Your Own Landscape Detective: Investigating Where You Are (Hardcover)

Ancient Trees, Living Landscapes (Paperback)

Ancient Trees, Living Landscapes (Hardcover)

Landscape Encyclopaedia (Paperback)

New Reading the Landscape (Paperback)

New Reading the Landscape (Hardcover)

eBook: Approaches to Landscape (DRM PDF)

Approaches to Landscape (Paperback)

eBook: Political Geography: A New Introduction (DRM PDF)

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