Douglas Haig (Paperback)
作者: Gary Sheffield 
分類: Biography: historical, political & military ,
European history ,
First World War  
書城編號: 428362

售價: $238.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版日期: 2006/05/04
尺寸: 216x137x45mm
重量: 0.67 kg
ISBN: 9780753820759


The diaries of the most controversial British general of the twentieth century.

There's a commonly held view that Douglas Haig was a bone-headed, callous butcher, who through his incompetence as commander of the British Army in WWI, killed a generation of young men on the Somme and Passchendaele. On the other hand there are those who view Haig as a man who successfully struggled with appalling difficulties to produce an army which took the lead in defeating Germany in 1918.

Haig's Diaries, hitherto only previously available in bowdlerised form, give the C-in-C's view of Asquith and his successor Lloyd George, of whom he was highly critical. The diaries show him intriguing with the King vs. Lloyd George. Additional are his day by day accounts of the key battles of the war, not least the Somme campaign of 1916.

Gary Sheffield 作者作品表

In Haig's Shadow (Hardcover)

The First World War in 100 Objects: The Story of the Great War Told Through the Objects that Shaped It (Hardcover)

Wellington: pocket GIANTS (Paperback)

eBook: Wellington: pocket GIANTS (DRM EPUB)

IWM First World War Remembered (Hardcover)

Douglas Haig (Hardcover)

eBook: Somme: A New History (DRM EPUB)

First World War in 100 Objects (Paperback)

Short History of the First World War (Paperback)

eBook: Short History of the First World War (DRM EPUB)

Command and Morale (Hardcover)

First World War in 100 Objects (Hardcover)

Changing War (Hardcover)

Chief (Paperback)

IWM Western Front Experience (Hardcover)

eBook: Chief: Douglas Haig and the British Army (DRM EPUB)

Chief (Hardcover)

War Studies Reader (Paperback)

Command and Control of the Western Front (Paperback)

Douglas Haig (Paperback)

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