Social Welfare in Global Context (Paperback)
作者: James Midgley 
分類: Social issues & processes ,
Social welfare & social services ,
Central government policies  
書城編號: 431573

售價: $1660.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版日期: 1997/04/19
尺寸: 274x213x15mm
重量: 590 grams
ISBN: 9780761907886

James Midgley provides an overview of social welfare, outlining key institutions, terminology, historical research and approaches. In addition, he details reasons for the existence of international social welfare and the challenges which arise from it.

Social Welfare in Global Context includes sections on: applied international social welfare, which addresses the concerns of practitioners; and issues of social work practice, social development, the activities of international agencies and their collaborative efforts. As well as its important focus on practical application, the book also presents key theoretical debates in the field, and provides a comprehensive account of world social conditions and social welfare in

James Midgley 作者作品表

Advanced Introduction to Social Protection (Paperback)

Advanced Introduction to Social Protection (Hardcover)

eBook: Advanced Introduction to Social Protection (DRM PDF)

eBook: Inequality, Social Protection and Social Justice (DRM PDF)

Inequality, Social Protection and Social Justice (Hardback)

Social Welfare for a Global Era (Paperback)

eBook: Social Welfare for a Global Era: International Perspectives on Policy and Practice (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Social Welfare for a Global Era: International Perspectives on Policy and Practice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Social Development: Theory and Practice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Social Development: Theory and Practice (DRM EPUB)

Social Development (Paperback)

Social Policy and Poverty in East Asia: The Role of Social Security

Grassroots Social Security in Asia: Mutual Aid, Microinsurance and Social Welfare (Hardcover)

Developmental Social Work: Social Work and Social Development: Theories and Skills for Developmental Social Work (Hardcover)

Social Welfare in Global Context (Paperback)

eBook: Social Welfare in Global Context (DRM PDF)

eBook: Social Development: The Developmental Perspective in Social Welfare (DRM PDF)

eBook: Social Development: The Developmental Perspective in Social Welfare (DRM EPUB)

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