Using Diaries for Social Research (Paperback)
作者: Andy Alaszewski 
分類: Social research & statistics  
書城編號: 431969

售價: $690.00

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出版社: Sage Publications Ltd
出版日期: 2006/01/24
尺寸: 230x154x10mm
重量: 240 grams
ISBN: 9780761972914
>> 相關電子書

The book has no competitor; it summarises the development of the method, follows through all stages of research from accessing subjects through design to analysing diary information as data, and considers how the method can best be exploited and used. No other book comes remotely near doing this. I for one shall be using it gratefully as the single best text for diary research′ - Professor Anthony P Macmillan Coxon, Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Edinburgh

In this accessible and lucid introductory text, Andy Alaszewski considers the analysis of diaries as a distinctive research technique in its own right. Nothing has previously covered this area in single-volume format, but the timely emergence of Using Diaries for Social Research recognizes the increased interest in and relevance of diary methodology within social research teaching.

Effectively combining theory, history and methodology, Alaszewski begins by discussing how diary keeping has developed; outlining the key features of the medium and examining the ways in which diaries have been and can be used for social research. He describes how suitable diaries and diarists can be identified by the researcher and, once found, how these diaries can be structured to generate research material. Finally, the researcher is taken through the analysis stage; examining statistical techniques, content-analysis and structure-analysis as effective methods of investigating diary texts.

This introductory student guide is an essential text for anyone involved in the area of social or historical research and for those working in the narrative tradition.

Andy Alaszewski 作者作品表

Managing Risk During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Global Policies, Narratives and Practices (Hardcover)

eBook: Managing Risk during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Global Policies, Narratives and Practices (DRM PDF)

eBook: Managing Risk during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Global Policies, Narratives and Practices (DRM EPUB)

eBook: COVID-19 and Risk: Policy Making in a Global Pandemic (DRM PDF)

eBook: COVID-19 and Risk: Policy Making in a Global Pandemic (DRM EPUB)

Making Health Policy (Paperback)

Making Health Policy: A Critical Introduction (Hardcover)

eBook: Using Diaries for Social Research (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Using Diaries for Social Research (DRM PDF)

Using Diaries for Social Research (Paperback)

Managing Risk in Community Practice (Paperback)

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