Banal Nationalism (Paperback)
作者: Michael Billig 
分類: Media studies ,
Sociology & anthropology ,
書城編號: 437749

售價: $714.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Sage Publications Ltd
出版日期: 1995/08/15
尺寸: 235x157x17mm
重量: 339 grams
ISBN: 9780803975255
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Michael Billig presents a major challenge to orthodox conceptions of nationalism in this elegantly written book. While traditional theorizing has tended to the focus on extreme expressions of nationalism, the author turns his attention to the everyday, less visible forms which are neither exotic or remote, he describes as banal nationalism′.

The author asks why people do not forget their national identity. He suggests that in daily life nationalism is constantly flagged in the media through routine symbols and habits of language. Banal Nationalism is critical of orthodox theories in sociology, politics and social psychology for ignoring this core feature of national identity. Michael Billig argues forcefully that wi

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