Education in a Post-Metaphysical World: Rethinking Educational Policy and Practice Through Jurgen Habermas' Discourse Morality (Hardcover)
作者: Christopher Martin 
分類: Moral & social purpose of education  
書城編號: 441513

售價: $2000.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Continuum academic publishing
出版日期: 2012/10/25
尺寸: 241x165x17mm
重量: 0.44 kg
ISBN: 9780826433602


What does it mean to say that a person has beeneducated? This question forms the basis of global education policy debates;from the way governments establish funding for national school systems, to theway children are treated in the classroom. Should there be a common ethical core to suchpolices? What kind of educational process should aboriginal groups in Labrador, Canada, have a moral right to, and should this process be different from whatchildren in New York's boroughs have claim to? Should a school-basedcurriculum, such as the UK's National Curriculum, make well-being a centralconcern or are there other ethical dimensions to be addressed? Christopher Martin explores these questions andargues that the best way to consider them is to view education as a matter ofpublic moral understanding. He brings together traditions of thought central tophilosophy of education, such as R.S. Peters, and connects this tradition tothe moral philosophy and critical theory of Jurgen Habermas, whose theory ofDiscourse Morality has previously been given little attention in educationcircles.

Christopher Martin 作者作品表

Land, Legacy, and Livelihood: A Guide to Wealth in Rural America (Paperback)

Land, Legacy, and Livelihood: A Guide to Wealth in Rural America (Paperback)

Asset Anchors: Building Generational Wealth through Trusts and Life Insurance (Paperback)

Asset Anchors: Building Generational Wealth through Trusts and Life Insurance (Paperback)

Asset Overload: Conquer Financial Freedom the Rockefeller Way (Paperback)

Asset Overload: Conquer Financial Freedom the Rockefeller Way (Paperback)

Firmament (Paperback)

eBook: Spinoza's Argument for Substance Monism: Why There Is Only One Thing (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Spinoza's Argument for Substance Monism: Why There Is Only One Thing (DRM PDF)

eBook: Right to Higher Education: A Political Theory (DRM PDF)

eBook: Right to Higher Education: A Political Theory (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Chasing Alexander: A Marine's Journey Across Iraq and Afghanistan (DRM EPUB)

eBook: UK as a Medium Maritime Power in the 21st Century: Logistics for Influence (DRM PDF)

Education in a Post-Metaphysical World (Paperback)

Education in a Post-Metaphysical World: Rethinking Educational Policy and Practice Through Jurgen Habermas' Discourse Morality (Hardcover)

Glimpse of Heaven (Paperback)

Aiming for Levels 6+ Writing (Paperback)

Aiming for Level 5 Writing (Paperback)

Aiming for Level 3 Writing (Paperback)

Aiming for Level 4 Writing (Paperback)

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