Primer for Unit Root Testing (Paperback)
作者: Kerry Patterson 
書城編號: 474236

售價: $1100.00

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出版社: Palgrave Macmillan
出版日期: 2009/12/02
尺寸: 215x136x16mm
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9781403902054
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This book gives an authoritative overview of the literature on non-stationarity, integration and unit roots, providing direction and guidance. It also provides detailed examples to show how the techniques can be applied in practical situations and the pitfalls to avoid.
Kerry Patterson 作者作品表

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Change Anything (Audio)

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Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition (2 ed) (Hardcover)

Primer for Unit Root Testing (Paperback)

Introduction to Applied Econometrics (Paperback)

An Introduction to Applied Econometrics: A Time Series Approach (Hardcover)

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