Hong Kong Government and Politics (香港政府與政治)
作者: 成名 
系列: 香港讀本系列
書城編號: 47814

售價: $137.00

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出版社: 牛津大學中國
出版日期: 2003/01
ISBN: 9780195929676

Most works in the area of Hong Kong government and politics have been tainted with a number of defects over the last four decades. Many of them suffered a paucity of vigorous conceptualization and typology, which rendered rigorous testing of hypotheses and theory building impossible. In addition, many works in the field have borrowed Western concepts for descriptive purposes. They used them to describe Hong Kong instead of putting some clearly formulated cross-national theories to the test. These defectshave created formidable barriers to the establishment of more rigorous explanations for Hong Kong’s political scene.

Fortunately, a few local researchers have recently begun to engage in international projects investigating collectively cross-national elections and political culture. These attempts have heralded the emergence of at least some local scholars’ enthusiasm to understand the Hong Kong political scene with rigorously formulated comparative research designs. If and when more researche...

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Hong Kong Government and Politics (香港政府與政治)

我們的地方 我們的時間——香港社會新編

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成名 作者作品表


Hong Kong Government and Politics (香港政府與政治)

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