History of the Sudan (Paperback)
作者: P M Holt 
分類: African history ,
書城編號: 479363

售價: $672.00

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出版社: Pearson Longman History
出版日期: 2011/04/14
尺寸: 234x157x17mm
重量: 343 grams
ISBN: 9781405874458
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A History of the Sudan by Martin Daly and PM Holt, sixth edition, has been fully revised and updated and covers the most recent developments that have occurred in Sudan over the last nine years, including the crisis in Darfur.

The most notable developments that this text covers includes the decades-long civil war in the South (with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in January 2005); the emergence of the Sudan as an oil-producer and exporter, and its resulting higher profile in global economic affairs, notably as a partner of China; the emergence of al-Qaeda, the relations of Sudanese authorities with Osama bin Laden (whose headquarters were in the Sudan in the 1990s), and the Sudanese government's complicated relations with the West.

This text is key introductory reading for any student of North Africa.

P M Holt 作者作品表

History of the Sudan (Paperback)

Crusader States and Their Neighbours (Paperback)

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