Cleopatra (Paperback)
作者: Zahi Hawass 
書城編號: 500369

原價: HK$280.00
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出版社: National Geographic
出版日期: 2010/09/21
尺寸: 254x205x24mm
重量: 0.83 kg
ISBN: 9781426205453

Beautiful, mysterious, and tragic, Cleopatra remains one of the most mesmerizing women of all time--and here is her story, based on the latest archaeological research. Secrets unfold in the official companion book to the new exhibition cosponsored by National Geographic, opening in Philadelphia in May 2010 and touring the United States for several years. Written by the inimitable Zahi Hawass in collaboration with underwater archaeologist Franck Goddio, this richly illustrated book chronicles the life of Cleopatra and the centuries-long quest to learn more about the queen and her tumultuous era, the last pharaonic period of Egyptian history. For the crowds nationwide who will visit the blockbuster exhibit--as well as the huge readership for popular illustrated histories such as this--Cleopatra and the Lost Treasures of Egypt holds rare glimpses and stunning revelations from the life of a star-crossed queen.
Zahi Hawass 作者作品表

eBook: Mountains of the Pharaohs: The Untold Story of the Pyramid Builders (DRM PDF)

eBook: Mountains of the Pharaohs: The Untold Story of the Pyramid Builders (DRM EPUB)

Mountains of the Pharaohs: The Untold Story of the Pyramid Builders (Paperback)

Great Book of Ancient Egypt New Edition (Hardcover)

Tutankhamun (Paperback)

Giza and the Pyramids (Hardcover)

Scanning the Pharaohs (Hardcover)

Cleopatra (Paperback)

Beyond the Horizon (Paperback)

Lost Tombs of Thebes: Life in Paradise (Hardcover)

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