Preventing Boundary Violations in Clinical Practice (Paperback)
作者: Thomas G Gutheil 
分類: Clinical psychology  
書城編號: 517726

售價: $420.00

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出版社: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2011/12/22
尺寸: 229x154x24mm
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781462504435
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What do you do when you run into a patient in a public place? How do you respond when a patient suddenly hugs you at the end of a session? Do you accept a gift that a patient brings to make up for causing you some inconvenience? Questions like these--which virtually all clinicians face at one time or another--have serious clinical, ethical, and legal implications. This authoritative, practical book uses compelling case vignettes to show how a wide range of boundary questions arise and can be responsibly resolved as part of the process of therapy. Coverage includes role reversal, gifts, self-disclosure, out-of-office encounters, physical contact, and sexual misconduct. Strategies for preventing boundary violations and managing associated legal risks are highlighted.

Thomas G Gutheil 作者作品表

Mental Health Professional in Court (Paperback)

Preventing Boundary Violations in Clinical Practice (Paperback)

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