Mommy, Mama and Me (Hardcover)
作者: Leslea Newman 
分類: Picture storybooks  
書城編號: 521265

原價: HK$90.00
現售: HK$85.5 節省: HK$4.5

購買此書 10本或以上 9折, 60本或以上 8折

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版日期: 2009/06/09
尺寸: 152x152x12mm
重量: 0.14 kg
ISBN: 9781582462639

A heartwarming board books about gay parents! A great purchase for new parents and new babies alike, and the perfect gift to show your love for mommy, mama and more!

Rhythmic text and illustrations with universal appeal show a toddler spending the day with its mommies. From hide-and-seek to dress-up, then bath time and a kiss goodnight, there's no limit to what a loving family can do together.

Share the loving bond between same-sex parents and their children in this hearttwearming story of family.

Leslea Newman 作者作品表

Hanukkah (Paperback)

Hanukkah (Hardcover)

Joyful Song: A Naming Story (Hardcover)

The Babka Sisters (Hardcover)

The Babka Sisters (Paperback)

eBook: Babka Sisters (DRM EPUB)

I Can Be... Me! (Hardcover)

ABC Cats: An Alpha-Cat Book (Board book)

123 Cats: A Cat Counting Book (Board book)

Welcoming Elijah: A Passover Tale with a Tail (hardcover)

eBook: Baby's Blessings (DRM EPUB)

Gittel's Journey: An Ellis Island Story (Hardcover)

Heather Has Two Mummies (Paperback)

eBook: My Name is Aviva (DRM EPUB)

Heather Has Two Mummies (Hardcover)

A Sweet Passover (hardcover)

Donovan's Big Day (Hardcover)

Dotty (Hardcover)

Daddy, Papa and Me (Hardcover)

Mommy, Mama and Me (Hardcover)

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