Essentials of Schizophrenia (Paperback)
作者: Jeffrey A Lieberman 
書城編號: 522083

原價: HK$720.00
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出版社: American Psychiatric Publishin
出版日期: 2011/06/30
尺寸: 253x180x24mm
重量: 707 grams
ISBN: 9781585624010


Schizophrenia is one of the most challenging brain disorders a mental health professional can face, yet its causes and cure remain elusive. Written by experts from a wide range of psychiatric disciplines to serve as a singular resource, Essentials of Schizophrenia clearly defines the current knowledge of the nature, causes, and treatment of this disorder and puts the many misconceptions about this disabling illness into perspective.

Schizophrenia is so devastating because it robs people of the very things that make them human--their personality and intellect. Symptoms typically have their onset in early adulthood, and the disorder often leaves the individual permanently disabled. This book leads readers through questions surrounding this debilitating disorder, from an historical overview and review of epidemiology to consideration of comorbid conditions. Key topics covered in this text include: - Identification of early signs of cognitive impairment and the resulting psychopharmalogical treatment strategies for improving social or vocational function.

- Role of antipsychotics, antianxiety/hypnotics, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and dopamine agonists in treatment and associated side effects.

- Current proven psychosocial interventions that augment and complement drug therapy, and increased patient involvement in choice of treatment modality.

- Keys to early identification of individuals who are vulnerable to schizophrenia, and the potential for earlier intervention and treatment.

- Optimal treatment approaches for first episodes to increase the likelihood of full recovery.

- Answers to frequently asked questions raised by psychiatrists in daily encounters with their patients with schizophrenia.

A must-read for anyone involved in the care and treatment of individuals with schizophrenia, Essentials of Schizophrenia helps the reader better understand the disorderin an accessible format. Squarely confronting a misunderstood disease that has caused great suffering and disability, this textbook serves as a dependable source of knowledge for current psychiatric professionals as well as the next generation of students and clinicians to come.

Jeffrey A Lieberman 作者作品表

Shrinks (Paperback)

Comprehensive Care of Schizophrenia (Paperback)

Essentials of Schizophrenia (Paperback)

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