Arisa (Paperback)
作者: Natsumi Ando 
分類: Graphic novels: Manga  
書城編號: 533003

原價: HK$110.00
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出版社: Turnaround Publisher Services
出版日期: 2012/04/03
尺寸: 191x129x22mm
重量: 0.16 kg
ISBN: 9781612621142

Tsubasa thinks that her pretty and popular twin sister, Arisa, has the perfect life. Everyone at school loves Arisa--unlike the hot-tempered Tsubasa, whose nickname is The Demon Princess. But when Arisa attempts suicide, Tsubasa learns that her seemingly perfect sister has been keeping some dark secrets. Now Tsubasa is going undercover at school--disguised as Arisa--in search of the truth. But will Arisa's secrets shatter Tsubasa's life, too?


While pretending to be Arisa, Tsubasa has promised to meet with the person known only s K - someone who may or may not hold the secret to the King's identity. Will Tsubasa wander into a trap or will she come one step closer to unmasking the King?

Includes special extras after the story!

Natsumi Ando 作者作品表

Something's Wrong with Us 19 (Paperback)

Something's Wrong With Us 2 (Paperback)

Something's Wrong With Us 1 (Paperback)

Let's Dance A Waltz 3 (Paperback)

Let's Dance A Waltz 2 (Paperback)

Let's Dance a Waltz 1 (Paperback)

Arisa (Paperback)

Arisa (Paperback)

Arisa (Paperback)

Kitchen Princess Omnibus (Paperback)

Arisa (Paperback)

Kitchen Princess Omnibus (Paperback)

Arisa (Paperback)

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