Author (Paperback)
作者: Tim Crouch 
書城編號: 540088

售價: $150.00

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出版日期: 2010/04/01
尺寸: 210x132x9mm
重量: 0.08 kg
ISBN: 9781840029505
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Winner of the 2010 Whiting Award for best new play.Winner of the 2010 Total Theatre Award for Innovation. Nominated in the Evening Standard Theatre Awards 2010.
Settle back into the warmth of the theatre. Relax as the story unfolds. For you. With you. Of you. A story of hope, violence and exploitation. Laugh with the actors, tap your feet to the music, turn to your neighbour. You're here.
The Author tells the story of another play: a violent, shocking and abusive play written by a playwright called Tim Crouch and performed at the Royal Court Theatre. It charts the effect that play had on the two actors who acted in it and an audience member who watched it. The Author explores our responsibilities to what we choose to look at in the world and how we choose to act accordingly. Performed within its audience, it is a brilliantly inventive and theatrical study of what we deem acceptable in the name of Art.

Tim Crouch 作者作品表

An Oak Tree (Paperback)

Toto Kerblammo! (Paperback)

I, Shakespeare: I, Malvolio; I, Cinna (the Poet); I, Peaseblossom; I, Banquo; I, Caliban (Hardcover)

I, Shakespeare: I, Malvolio; I, Cinna (the Poet); I, Peaseblossom; I, Banquo; I, Caliban (Paperback)

An Oak Tree (Paperback)

Truth's a Dog Must to Kennel (Paperback)

Truth's a Dog Must to Kennel (Paperback)

Total Immediate Collective Imminent Terrestrial Salvation (Paperback)

Adler and Gibb (Paperback)

I, Cinna (The Poet) (Paperback)

Oak Tree (Paperback)

I, Shakespeare (Paperback)

Tim Crouch: Plays One (Paperback)

Author (Paperback)

Oak Tree (Paperback)

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