Effective Communications in Easy Steps (Paperback)
作者: Nick Vandome 
分類: Business communication & presentation  
書城編號: 541271

原價: HK$154.00
現售: HK$146.3 節省: HK$7.7

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出版日期: 2012/07/31
尺寸: 226x187x14mm
重量: 0.41 kg
ISBN: 9781840784480


Practical and common sense advice on
how to use communications to actually get the right message across to the
correct audience.

We all communicate, every day, all of the time. So
why can communications go so wrong in the workplace? Sometimes it is because
the wrong methods are used at the wrong times, and sometimes it is because the
communications process becomes too complicated and bogged down in corporate

Effective Communications in easy
offers clarity in the world of corporate communications.
There is no blue-sky, synergy-based, customer-centric thinking here; just
informed, clear, practical and common sense advice on how to use communications
to actually get the right message across to the correct audience.

by two communications experts, with over 25 years' experience between them, the
book will show you how to:

  • Create a practical
    Communications Strategy that works.
  • Understand how, and
    why, to evaluate your strategy.
  • Build and maintain
    websites that keep delivering.
  • Unravel the mysteries of
    social media.
  • Explode the myths about communications at
  • Get your message across using the right channel to
    engage your audience.
  • Communications in the workplace
    should be a simple thing and, with Effective Communications in easy steps to
    guide you, it really can be.

    Nick Vandome 作者作品表

    Windows 11 for Seniors in Easy Steps: Covers the Windows 11 2024 Update (2nd ed.) (Paperback)

    iPad for Seniors in Easy Steps: Covers All Models with Ipados 18 (14th ed.) (Paperback)

    iPhone for Seniors in Easy Steps: For All Models of iPhone with IOS 18 (11th ed.) (Paperback)

    Windows 11 in Easy Steps: Covers the Windows 11 2024 Update (2nd ed.) (Paperback)

    eBook: Windows 11 in easy steps, 2nd edition (DRM EPUB)

    Android Phones for Seniors in easy steps: Illustrated using Android 13 (4 ed) (Paperback)

    eBook: Android Phones for Seniors in easy steps, 4th edition (DRM EPUB)

    eBook: Lightroom in easy steps (DRM EPUB)

    eBook: iPad for Seniors in easy steps, 13th edition (DRM EPUB)

    eBook: iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, 10th edition (DRM EPUB)

    eBook: Windows 11 Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts in easy steps (DRM EPUB)

    eBook: macOS in easy steps (DRM EPUB)

    eBook: iPad for Seniors in easy steps, 12th edition (DRM EPUB)

    eBook: iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, 9th edition (DRM EPUB)

    eBook: London by Smartphone (DRM EPUB)

    eBook: Edinburgh by Smartphone (DRM EPUB)

    eBook: Laptops for Seniors in easy steps, 8th edition (DRM EPUB)

    eBook: Windows 11 in easy steps (DRM EPUB)

    eBook: macOS Monterey in easy steps (DRM EPUB)

    eBook: iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, 8th edition (DRM EPUB)

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