Principles of Legislative and Regulatory Drafting (Paperback)
作者: Ian McLeod 
書城編號: 541669

原價: HK$464.00
現售: HK$440.8 節省: HK$23.2

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出版社: Hart Publishing
出版日期: 2009/10/12
尺寸: 233x157x24mm
重量: 369 grams
ISBN: 9781841137728
>> 相關電子書


Principles of Legislative and Regulatory Drafting provides a succinct guide to an area of law and practice which has previously been poorly served by English textbooks. It explains how drafters can convert legislative and regulatory policy into a form which has the desired effect in the most direct and accessible way.

On the basis that those who seek to communicate must be conscious of how their words will be read, it includes a chapter on interpretation. Other chapters include the nature of drafting instructions (including ethical considerations), the general principles of drafting, the protection of human rights, the creation of statutory corporations and schemes of licensing, subordinate legislation, and the creation of criminal offences.

The principles and skills of drafting are very largely common to both the legislative and regulatory fields, but the book draws attention to areas in which significant differences arise.

Extracts from the Interpretation Act 1978 and the European Convention on Human Rights are included as Appendices.

The book provides an invaluable introduction for those engaged in legislative and regulatory drafting, while also being useful to anyone who is interested in the creation and interpretation of legislative and regulatory texts.

Ian McLeod 作者作品表

eBook: Legal Method (DRM PDF)

eBook: Constitution Forever in the USA (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Key Concepts in Law (DRM PDF)

eBook: Proof of Poisoned Lives (DRM EPUB)

Legal Method (Paperback)


Legal Theory (Paperback)

Legal Method (Paperback)

Key Concepts in Law (Paperback)

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Principles of Legislative and Regulatory Drafting (Paperback)

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