Bell Uh-1 Huey Slicks 1962-75 (Paperback)
作者: Chris Bishop 
分類: Air forces & warfare ,
Military vehicles ,
Vietnam ,
書城編號: 543720

原價: HK$182.00
現售: HK$172.9 節省: HK$9.1

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出版社: Osprey Publishing Ltd
出版日期: 2003/10/22
尺寸: 249x185x12mm
重量: 0.15 kg
ISBN: 9781841766324

The US Army requirement for a light utility helicopter was formulated after the Korean War. Bell's Model 204 design won a competition in 1955, and was given the military designation H-40, later renamed the HU-1 Iroquois. The original design called for a helicopter that could be used for transport, airborne battlefield command and control, medical evacuation, fire support co-ordination and search and rescue. Later its missions would be expanded to include troop insertion/extraction, armed escort and special operations. This title details all the technological background behind the development and use of the Huey "Slick" in Vietnam, as well as covering all the major uses that this transport aircraft was put to.
Chris Bishop 作者作品表

Faithful City, Fickle Football: Resurrecting Worcester City, the Sleeping Giant Killers of Liverpool (Hardcover)

Panzergrenadier Divisions 1939-45: The Essential Vehicle Identification Guide (Hardcover)

Waffen-SS Divisions 1939-45: The Essential Vehicle Identification Guide (Hardcover)

eBook: SS: Hell on the Western Front: The Waffen-SS in Western Europe 1940-45 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Prodigal Son (DRM EPUB)

Marketing Sales Funnel (Paperback)

eBook: BEE Billionaires: Redressing the imbalances of the past, or creating new ones? (DRM EPUB)

German Infantry in World War II (Paperback)

German Panzers in World War II (Paperback)

Wehrmacht Panzer Divisions 1939-45: Tanks, Self-Propelled Guns, Halftracks & AFVs (Hardcover)

eBook: Bloodlines (DRM EPUB)

Ships (Paperback)

eBook: Final Reckoning (DRM EPUB)

Final Reckoning (Paperback)

Warrior With the Pierced Heart (Paperback)

Panzergrenadier Divisions (Hardcover)

Essential Vehicle Identification Guide: Waffen-SS Divisions (Hardcover)

eBook: Africa's Billionaires: Inspirational stories from the continent's wealthiest people (DRM EPUB)

Blood and Destiny (Paperback)

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