Drawing Hands and Feet (Paperback)
作者: Giovanni Civardi 
書城編號: 551409

原價: HK$180.00
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出版日期: 2005/06/01
尺寸: 295x210x7mm
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9781844480715

Using pencils, charcoal, pastels, pen and ink, watercolours, felt pens and more, Giovanni teaches the importance of observation and sketching, and how to capture life and movement. He shows how to simplify the hands and feet of children and adults, with illustrations and an easy-to-understand section on the importance of anatomy and proportions. Further explanations about light, shade and tone give helpful advice on capturing the essence of the drawing. Many different techniques are included, from the linear method where the contours of the shapes are sketched, to the structural method where the main areas are emphasised. For anyone interested in the figure, this book is invaluable. It is packed with information, quick sketches and more elaborate works.
Giovanni Civardi 作者作品表

eBook: Drawing - A Complete Guide: Nature (DRM PDF)

eBook: Drawing Animals Using Grids (DRM PDF)

Artist's Guide to Human Anatomy (Paperback)

Drawing Human Anatomy (Paperback)

Drawing Using Grids: Portraits of Babies & Children (Paperback)

Drawing Using Grids: Portraits with Character (Paperback)

Art of Drawing: Portraits of Babies & Children (Paperback)

Art of Drawing: Drawing Statues (Paperback)

Figure Drawing: A Complete Guide (Paperback)

Wild Animals (Paperback)

Understanding Human Form & Structure (Paperback)

Clothing on Figures (Paperback)

Introduction to Drawing the Human Body (Paperback)

Understanding Perspective (Paperback)

Drawing Pets (Paperback)

Heads and Faces (Paperback)

Flowers, Fruit & Vegetables (Paperback)

Sketching People (Paperback)

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