Health Secrets Handbook (Paperback)
作者: Esme Floyd 
書城編號: 562762

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Carlton Books
出版日期: 2011/01/04
尺寸: 199x129x32mm
重量: 0.52 kg
ISBN: 9781847326607

Small lifestyle changes can add up to big health benefits, and this indispensable family resource offers up 2,000 tips based on the latest medical research. In simple language, it focuses on trouble spots like insomnia, jet lag, exercise injuries, and fatigue, while also providing hints for losing weight and increasing fitness. From adolescent acne to menopausal hot flashes, there's special attention paid to women at any stage of life. Proven remedies are here, too, such as ending headaches by drinking coffee and burning more calories by sleeping longer.
Esme Floyd 作者作品表

Beauty Hacks (Paperback)

Health Hacks (Paperback)

1001 Little Skincare Miracles (Paperback)

1001 Little Beauty Miracles (Paperback)

1001 Little Health Miracles (Paperback)

Health Secrets Handbook (Paperback)

Beauty Secrets Handbook (Paperback)

1001 Little Home Remedies (Paperback)

0001. 健康宅急便

0003. 辦公室超人

0002. 美麗宅急便

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