Radical Social Work Today (Paperback)
作者: Michael Lavalette 
分類: Social work  
書城編號: 564043

售價: $378.00

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出版社: Policy Press
出版日期: 2011/02/23
尺寸: 235x157x17mm
重量: 384 grams
ISBN: 9781847428172

Created to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Bailey and Brake's seminal text Radical Social Work (1975), this volume seeks to explore the radical tradition within social work and assess its legacy, relevance and prospects. With a foreword by Roy Bailey, the book brings together leading academics within social work in Britain to reflect on the legacy of Radical Social Work (both the original text and the wider social movement) within social work education, theory and practice. With the current issues facing social work in Britain, this book examines the radical tradition to assert that 'another social work is possible'.
Michael Lavalette 作者作品表

What Is the Future of Social Work? (Paperback)

eBook: What is the Future of Social Work?: A handbook for positive action (DRM PDF)

eBook: What is the Future of Social Work?: A handbook for positive action (DRM EPUB)

What Is the Future of Social Work?: A Handbook for Positive Action (Hardcover)

Palestinian Cultures Of Resistance (Paperback)

Race, Racism and Social Work (Paperback)

eBook: Capitalism And Sport (DRM EPUB)

Capitalism And Sport: Politics, Protest, People and Play (UK ed.) (Paperback)

Whose Authority? (Paperback)

Radical Social Work Today (Paperback)

eBook: Radical social work today: Social work at the crossroads (DRM PDF)

Social Policy (Paperback)

Rethinking Welfare (Paperback)

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