Cross-curricular Approaches to Teaching and Learning (Paperback)
作者: Chris Rowley 
分類: Curriculum planning & development  
書城編號: 566482

售價: $560.00

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出版社: Sage Publications Ltd
出版日期: 2009/09/14
尺寸: 244x172x14mm
重量: 366 grams
ISBN: 9781847875952
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What does an integrated primary curriculum look like? How can cross-curricular work help children to learn more effectively?

With practical ideas on how to join-up the primary curriculum, Cross-Curricular approaches to the primary curriculum uses history and geography to explore different contexts and strategies for making links between subjects, so that learning is more integrated and relevant to learners. It also demonstrates how these subjects can serve as the basis upon which values can be developed in the curriculum. There are powerful case studies, including examples of pupils′ work and talk, and teachers′ reflections. A companion website contains further examples.

Chris Rowley and Hilary Cooper bring together a group of practising teachers and university tutors who offer suggestions on cross-curricular approaches to teaching, keeping values education at the heart. This book will be invaluable to practising primary teachers, student teachers and all those involved in curriculum design.

Chris Rowley is in the Faculty of Education at the University of Cumbria and is a Member of the Geographical Association and SAPERE, The Society to Advance Philosophical Enquiry and Reflection in Education.

Dr Hilary Cooper is Professor of History and Pedagogy at the University of Cumbria Ambleside Campus

Chris Rowley 作者作品表

The Changing Face of Corruption in the Asia Pacific: Current Perspectives and Future Challenges (Hardcover)

Business Networks in East Asian Capitalisms: Enduring Trends, Emerging Patterns (Hardcover)

eBook: Trade and Capital Flow among Asian Economies: Issues and Developments in Business and Management' (DRM PDF)

eBook: Trade and Capital Flow among Asian Economies: Issues and Developments in Business and Management' (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Human Resource Management in the Asia-Pacific Region: Convergence Revisited (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Human Resource Management in the Asia-Pacific Region: Convergence Revisited (DRM PDF)

Succeed or Sink (Hardcover)

Managing People Globally (Hardcover)

Human Resources Management (Paperback)

The Changing Face of Management in China

The Changing Face of Vietnamese Management

Cross-curricular Approaches to Teaching and Learning (Paperback)

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