Transformation Through Journal Writing (Paperback)
作者: Jane Wood 
分類: Creative therapy (eg art, music, drama)  
書城編號: 573433

售價: $252.00

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出版日期: 2012/11/15
ISBN: 9781849053471
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Transformation through Journal Writing is a grounded guide to self reflection through journaling for those in the helping professions. Journals are shown to be an effective method of self-care and self-development.

Full of inspiring and original ideas, this book provides everything you need to know about developing and advancing journaling skills. It covers a range of different styles, from the logical and structured use of templates, frameworks and models, to the creative and organic process of art journaling. Each technique and its transformative potential are clearly explained, and readers are encouraged to start writing through expertly crafted exercises and journal examples. It is a flexible resource that will inspire readers to start a reflective journal for the first time or to try out new techniques and methodologies.

A comprehensive handbook to self-reflective journaling, this book will be of interest to everyone in the health professions including complementary and alternative practitioners, supervisors, counsellors, psychotherapists, and art, music and drama therapists.

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