Korean Treasures (Hardcover)
作者: Minh Chung 
分類: Exhibition catalogues & specific collections ,
Antiques & collectables: books, manuscripts, ephemera & printed matter ,
Museum, historic sites, gallery & art guides ,
Oxfordshire ,
書城編號: 578275

售價: $490.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: The Bodleian Library
出版日期: 2011/11/25
尺寸: 258x220x24mm
重量: 925 grams
ISBN: 9781851242870


The Bodleian Library and the museums of the University of Oxford are home to many historically significant and valuable manuscripts, rare books, and artifacts related to Korean history and culture. Despite their importance, many of these items have been overlooked within the libraries' collections and largely neglected by scholars. Korean Treasures seeks to change this by highlighting the many noteworthy and unusual archaeological relics and artworks in the collections and presenting them together in a single volume for the first time. Notable items included here are the court painting scroll of the funeral procession of King Yongjo (1694-1776); a presentation edition of a book given by King Yongjo to his son-in-law; a group of documents issued by Emperor Kojong (1852-1919) between 1885-86 to confer various titles to his civil and military officials; a sundial made by the famous maker Kang Yun (1830-1898) for Emperor Kojong; a ceramic dish made and signed by Princess Yi Pangja (1901-1989) as well as a rare example of a suit of armor, an ornate helmet of the early sixteenth century, and a general's quiver and arrows. In addition to the numerous color images of items from the collection, Korean Treasures provides a thorough overview of the extent of the Korean book collections in Oxford and a guide to the locations where some of these treasures can be found.

Minh Chung 作者作品表

Korean Treasures: Volume 2 (Hardcover)

Korean Treasures (Hardcover)

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