Excluded from School (Paperback)
作者: Christopher Arnold 
書城編號: 583504

原價: HK$320.00
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出版社: Trentham Books Ltd
尺寸: 240x168x12mm
重量: 299 grams
ISBN: 9781858564395

Exclusion from school or college powerfully affects lives. In this book, three practicing psychologists working with young people in inner cities explore the experiences of people who have been involved with exclusion from school: the child, the family, the excluding school and the receiving unit. Each party tells their own story so although they relate the same events, each story is different. The astonishing complexity of the lives of those excluded is illuminated.

The book is unique in bringing together different perspectives, including historical, psychodynamic and unstable systems theory. It concludes with reflections on the harm that exclusion can do and puts forward new approaches to managing difficult behavior in secondary schools.
Christopher Arnold 作者作品表

Everything About fat loss: the step by step guide to losing weight and burning belly fat (Paperback)

Psychology for Teaching Assistants (Paperback)

Excluded from School (Paperback)

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