Cinema of the Low Countries (Paperback)
作者: Ernest Mathijs 
分類: Film theory & criticism ,
Belgium ,
Luxembourg ,
書城編號: 593136

原價: HK$392.00
現售: HK$372.4 節省: HK$19.6

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出版社: Wallflower Press
出版日期: 2004/07/08
尺寸: 236x193x22mm
重量: 672 grams
ISBN: 9781904764007

Films of the Low Countries have long been regarded as isolated texts. This book points to the interconnectedness between Low Countries films from different genres, regions, languages, and formats. Building on each film's relationship with its particular cultural context, the volume presents twenty-four especially commisioned essays by renowned writers, each one focusing on one key film. The volume covers the work of internationally acclaimed directors such as Joris Ivens, Henri Storck, Paul Verhoeven, and the Dardenne Brothers. Key films discussed include Turkish Delight, The Vanishing, Daughters of Darkness, Character, Rosetta, and Man Bites Dog.
Ernest Mathijs 作者作品表

eBook: John Fawcett's Ginger Snaps (DRM EPUB)

eBook: John Fawcett's Ginger Snaps (DRM PDF)

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Cinema of the Low Countries (Paperback)

Alternative Europe (Paperback)

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