Gardens of the National Trust (Hardcover)
作者: Stephen Lacey 
書城編號: 602258

原價: HK$450.00
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出版社: ANOVA National Trust Books
出版日期: 2011/07/21
尺寸: 263x251x40mm
重量: 1.99 kg
ISBN: 9781907892097

A substantially revised edition to showcase superb new photography and to introduce newly acquired properties, along with fascinating practical gardening guides from the Trust's expert head gardeners Britain's National Trust has the finest collection of gardens ever assembled under one ownership--the greatest in number, diversity, historic importance, and quality. Together, they form the world's most important collection of cultivated plants, distinguished by their beauty, rarity, historical interest, and scientific value. Historically and horticulturally, a vivid picture of the gardens is painted, with all the major periods represented--from a knot garden from a 1640 design to Victorian Gardens and the famous plantsmen's gardens of the last century. Both a practical guide and a rich source of inspiration, the book includes horticultural details, a complete plant list, and a section on the many other Trust gardens to visit. Throughout, splendid color images by the country's leading photographers bring to life the beauty of each garden.
Stephen Lacey 作者作品表

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