Airbrush Bible (Paperback)
作者: Timothy Remus 
書城編號: 604585

原價: HK$340.00
現售: HK$323 節省: HK$17

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出版社: MBI Publishing Company
出版日期: 2010/04/15
尺寸: 280x218x17mm
重量: 0.6 kg
ISBN: 9781929133864


Airbrush Bible offers something for anyone interested in the art of airbrushing. Whether your goal is reality flames on a motorcycle tank, or a three-dimensional eagle in mid-pounce, this book from Wolfgang Publications offers how-to sequences done with some of the best names in airbrushing.

To teach skulls, there's Vince Goodeve. For Pin-ups, Tom Nguyen walks the reader through a 20 page start-to-finish sequence. For reality flames with extra punch, Steve Wizard takes the stage, explaining both the colors and the sequencing.

Airbrush Bible also offers help spraying on various substrate with different media. T-Shirt artists will find advice on the best paint to use and how to give the image longevity. Anyone working with hot rods and motorcycles needs to know how much to over-reduce urethane-based paints. Hobby painters need to understand acrylic paints, as well as the new water-borne colors.

Each chapter is a one-on-one seminar that takes the reader from the first sketch to the finished product. Leah Gall explains all the basic strokes needed to create nearly any image, and Susan Heidi demonstrates how multiple, thin layers of transparent paint create believable skin tones and a life-like effect.

In total, Airbrush Bible provides the reader with fourteen chapters, each one offering a complete painting sequence and an interview with the artist. Learn firsthand why one artist uses watercolors while another prefers acrylic paints. Or why some artists never use the color black, and instead prefer a dark purple or violet. This book is a compendium of subjects, paints and techniques; Airbrush Bible is the one how-to book any airbrush artist needs on his or her shelf.

Timothy Remus 作者作品表

Triumph Motorcycle (Paperback)

Triumph Motorcycles (Paperback)

Triumph Motorcycles 1956 - 1983 (Paperback)

Airbrush Bible (Paperback)

Advanced Custom Assembly and Fabrication Manual (Paperback)

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