Emotional Life of Contemporary Public Memorials (Paperback)
作者: Erika Doss 
分類: History  
書城編號: 679577

售價: $517.00

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出版日期: 2008/03/18
尺寸: 226x150x8mm
重量: 45 grams
ISBN: 9789089640185

From the commemoration of September 11
to the Holocaust memorial in Berlin, recent
decades have witnessed a substantial
increase in the number of new public
memorials built in both Europe and the
United States. This volume considers the
contemporary explosion of public
commemoration in terms of changed
cultural and social practices of mourning,
memory, and public feeling. Positing
memorials as the physical and visual
embodiment of our affective responses to
loss, Erika Doss focuses especially on the memorial ephemera of flowers, candles,
balloons, and cards placed at sites of tragic
death in order to better comprehend
how grief is mediated in contemporary
commemorative cultures.
Erika Doss 作者作品表

Emotional Life of Contemporary Public Memorials (Paperback)

Twentieth-century American Art (Paperback)

eBook: Twentieth-Century American Art (DRM PDF)

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