Mobile Device Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Securing Your Information in a Moving World
作者: Stephen Fried 
分類: Computer security  
書城編號: 689802

售價: $966.00

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出版社: Auerbach Publications
出版日期: 2010/06
ISBN: 9781439820162


As each generation of portable electronic devices and storage media becomes smaller, higher in capacity, and easier to transport, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to protect the data on these devices while still enabling their productive use in the workplace. Explaining how mobile devices can create backdoor security threats, Mobile Device Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Securing Your Information in a Moving World specifies immediate actions you can take to defend against these threats. It begins by introducing and defining the concepts essential to understanding the security threats to contemporary mobile devices, and then takes readers through all the policy, process, and technology decisions that must be made to create an effective security strategy.

Highlighting the risks inherent when mobilizing data, the text supplies a proven methodology for identifying, analyzing, and evaluating these risks. It examines the various methods used to store and transport mobile data and illustrates how the security of that data changes as it moves from place to place. Addressing the technical, operational, and compliance issues relevant to a comprehensive mobile security policy, the text:

Provides methods for modeling the interaction between mobile data and mobile devices—detailing the advantages and disadvantages of each Explains how to use encryption and access controls to protect your data Describes how to layer different technologies to create a resilient mobile data protection program Provides examples of effective mobile security policies and discusses the implications of different policy approaches Highlights the essential elements of a mobile security business case and provides examples of the information such proposals should contain Reviews the most common mobile device controls and discusses the options for implementing them in your mobile environment

Securing your mobile data requires the proper balance between security, user acceptance, technology caps, and resource commitment. Supplying real-life examples and authoritative guidance, this complete resource walks you through the process of creating an effective mobile security program and provides the understanding required to develop a customized approach to securing your information.


Writing with organizations in mind, Fried, an information security professional who creates security programs for large companies, presents a guide to securing mobile data and devices against threats, and the policy, process, and technology decisions needed to create effective security strategy. He covers the risks involved in mobile data and identifying, analyzing, and evaluating them; methods used to store and transport data and how its security changes as it moves from place to place; the advantages and disadvantages of different security models; encryption; mobile security and specific technology controls; creating a policy; and the elements of a mobile security business case.

—In Re...

Stephen Fried 作者作品表

Thing of Beauty (Paperback)

Rush (Paperback)

Rush (Hardcover)

eBook: Rush (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Thing of Beauty (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Bitter Pills (DRM EPUB)

Mobile Device Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Securing Your Information in a Moving World

eBook: Appetite for America (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Husbandry (DRM EPUB)

eBook: New Rabbi (DRM EPUB)

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